Fall 2105 Hair Color M2 Salon NC

Fall 2105 Hair Color M2 Salon NC – When autumn begins, most people don’t realize it’s time to tone things down with their hair color. Summer sun takes highlighted hair to a whole new level of BRIGHT! Not that this is a bad thing during the summer, but Fall calls for a more subtle look. As we settle into winter, Margy Finegan Sheppard of M2 Salon in Morrisville, NC, suggests adding low-lights to change things up a bit.


Low-lights are the exact opposites of highlights. They are darker pieces of hair usually reserved for the layers underneath and around the neck. Just as highlights lighten hair with strands of lighter color, low-lights add dimension with strands of darker color.

Low-lights might also be in order if your highlights have morphed into one solid color over the summertime. “I call it the buildup of highlights,” Margy explained. “If you go every 6-10 weeks, and get highlights over and over, after the summer sun you will probably need some low-lights to break it up because things just get solid blond from exposure.”

Fall 2105 Hair Color M2 Salon NC – Hit the link and book an appointment with Margy now at M2 Salon!